Frequently Asked Questions | White Labelled ATM
Please go through the following FAQs before contacting us with your questions.
What type of cards can be used at this ATM?
india1ATM is a White Labelled ATM. Debit cards and prepaid cards (that permit cash withdrawal) issued by banks in India can be used at this ATM for various transactions. International cards or cards not issued in India are not accepted at this ATM.
What are the services/ facilities available at this ATM?
Can these cards be used at any White Labelled ATMs/ any other bank ATMs in the country? Is the customer charged for the same?
Yes. The cards issued by banks in India may be used at this White Labelled ATM. However, the savings bank account holders can have a maximum of five transactions free each month at White Labelled ATMs/ any other bank ATMs, which is inclusive of all types of transactions, financial and non-financial. Beyond this, the customer can be charged by his/ her bank.
What should be done if the card is lost/ stolen?
The customer may contact the card-issuing bank immediately on noticing the loss so as to enable the bank to block the card.
What steps should a customer take in case of failed ATM transaction at other bank ATMs/ White Labelled ATMs, where his account is debited?
The customer should lodge a complaint with the card issuing bank at the earliest. This process is applicable even if the transaction was carried out at another bank’s ATM/ White Labelled ATM.
Is there any time limit for the card issuing banks for re-crediting the customer’s account for a failed ATM transaction?
As per the RBI instructions, banks have been mandated to resolve customer complaints by re-crediting the customers account within 7 working days from the date of complaint.
What is the option for the customer in case complaint is not addressed by his / her bank within the stipulated time?
The customer can take it to the local Banking Ombudsman in such situations.